Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Anupama, jori Shyama Shyam.

Anupama, jori Shyama Shyam.
Shri Radha (Shyama) and Shri Krishna (Shyam) are an utterly incomparable and unique divine pair.
Ika sorah singar sajin ika,
natavar bhesh lalam.

Shri Radha is decorated with all of the sixteen traditional adornments and Shri Krishna is dressed in a natural country style.
Galabahin dai dou Vrindavana,
viharat athon yam.

Their arms are lovingly placed around each other’s shoulders. They remain constantly engaged in transcendental leelas in Vrindavan.
Punja nikunjani manju raas ras,
khelata puranakam.

Although Shri Radha Krishna are ever-contented, yet They perform the divine pastime of raas in the beautiful flowering bowers and arbors of Vrindavan.
Sanak samadhi chandi sanakadik, bane vitapa brajdham.
The greatest paramhansas like Sanaka and others abandon their samadhi (meditative trances) and live in Braj in the form of trees just for a glimpse of these pastimes.
Atmaram ‘Kripalu’ Shyam ki, atma Shyama nam.
Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj says that the very soul of ever-contented supreme God, Shri Krishna (Shyam), is known by the name of Shri Radha (Shyama).

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