Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ho rasiya ! Kas surati bisari.

Ho rasiya ! Kas surati bisari.
(A gopi during the descension period of Shri Krishna 5,000 years ago is lamenting and expressing her deep feelings of longing at being separated from Shri Krishna.) Oh, Rasiya! Oh Krishna! Why have You forgotten me?
Lok, ved, kul kani aani saba, taji aa-ee piya sharan tihari.
I have taken shelter at Your lotus feet, abandoning all worldly and family duties, as well as the duties prescribed in the Vedas.
Mag johat ankhiyan patharai, hari heri bipin banvari.
While looking for You my eyes have become like stones, and I have become exhausted searching for You in each and every forest and bower of Braj.
Tare ginat jaat saba yamini, palak ek yug sam lag bhari.
Oh my Beloved! I spend sleepless nights counting the stars and even one moment passes like an eternity.
Nirmohi! Kas mohin mohi ab, tadapavat bepir murari.
Oh hard-hearted Krishna! Why have You taken a vow to make me suffer so after stealing my heart?
Jiyan na det, let nahi pranahun, duhun bhanti ati vipati hamari.
My feelings are neither letting me live nor die.
Ab ‘Kripalu’ mo kahan taji madhav, kubari vari nij kar ur dhari.
In the words of this gopi, who, after Krishna left Braj for Mathura, is remembering His Braj leelas, Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj says, “Krishna has forsaken me for Kubja whom He has graced with a place in His heart.”

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