Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ayo braj ras bechan varo.

Ayo braj ras bechan varo.
The seller of braj ras or the nectar of selfless divine love, Shri Krishna, has descended in Braj.
Jo ras nigamagamahun agam soi, det vanacharin kahan karo.
This same braj ras, which is unattainable even by the Vedas and other scriptures, is being given freely by Shri Krishna to the illiterate Gopis.
Jo braj ras hit shuk sanakadik, latan patan tan kari daro.
In order to attain this braj ras, even the greatest paramhansas and gyanis like Shuka, Sanaka and others have descended in Braj in the form of creepers, plants and trees.
So ras as jehi lagi Shiva-shankar, nar tey nari tanu dharo.
In order to attain this braj ras, Lord Shankar assumed the form of a Gopi.
So ras piyat soi jo vako, nij tan man pranan haro.
This braj ras can only be attained by the one who surrenders his body, mind and soul to Shri Krishna as its price.
So ras as ‘Kripalu’ chhin chhin badh, ras Vaikuntha lagat kharo.
Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj says, “The bliss of that divine love increases every moment, and it is so great that even the almighty bliss of God’s Vaikuntha abode seems dull in comparison.”

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