Monday, October 17, 2011

Radharani's Birth

Raval is the birthplace of Srimati Radharani. It is not so frequently visited place, which inspires unique mood of separation in the hearts of Her devotees.
Once King Vrisabhanu went to the Yamuna river to take bath. He saw a golden lotus flower that shone like a million suns in the middle of the river... In the middle of the lotus flower was baby Srimati Radharani... ...Lord Brahma appeared before King Vrisabhanu and told him that in his previous life he and his wife, Kirtida, had performed great austerities to get the consort of Lord Vishnu as their daughter... ...King Vrisabhanu took the child home, but found her to be blind...
...Narada Muni appeared before the king and told him that despite the child's blindness he should go ahead and perform all the auspicious birth ceremonies...
...Nanda Maharaja brought baby Krishna along for the ceremonies held by king Vrisabhanu for his daughter...
...When baby Krishna crawled before Srimati Radharani, She could smell the wonderful aroma of His body, and at that moment She opened Her eyes. The first person She saw was Her eternal consort, Sri Krishna.

Radhey Radhey

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