Thursday, October 27, 2011

सुनु दाता नंदकुमार हो , पतितन को सरदार

सुनु दाता नंदकुमार हो , पतितन को सरदार |
तू पतितन सुनत पुकार, चह भीख प्रेम सरकार ||
रिरियात परो तव द्वार, तू प्रेम रूप साकार |
तुक हमारिहूँ अरु निहार, चह भीख प्रेम सरकार ||
जग सुख नहीं चह रिझवार, चह मुक्ति न पांच प्रकार |
चह नहीं वईकुंठ बिहार, चह भीख प्रेम सरकार ||
इक रही पूतना नार, विष प्यायो तोहिं उर धार |
गति दिनी तुम बलिहार, चह भीख प्रेम सरकार ||
हो जानत तुम मम यार, परखत मोहिं भुजहीं पसार |
तव अति 'कृपालु' दरबार, चह भीख प्रेम सरकार ||

राधे राधे

इनकी नजरों में माय का जाम हे तोबा तोबा

इनकी नजरों में माय का जाम हे तोबा तोबा |
जिसने देखा हुआ नाकाम हे तोबा तोबा |
दर्द देना रुलाना ही इनको अत हे ,
काम कडुवा हे मधुर नाम हे तोबा तोबा |
लगा के आग बुझाना तो जानते ही नहीं,
मुस्कुराने से इन्हें कम हे तोबा तोबा |
इनके पहलु में कहीं दिल ही नहीं हे शायद,
इसीलिए ये सब अंजाम हे तोबा तोबा |
ये बताते मुहब्बत में हे देना देना,
ये 'कृपालु' हे कृपा काम हे तोबा तोबा |

जय व्रुन्दाविपिन बिहारी

जय व्रुन्दाविपिन बिहारी, जय श्री बरसाने वारी |
वारी वारी कुंजबिहारी, आरी वारी भानुदुलारी |
मेरो धन नंदनंदन बनवारी, तन मन धन वन पर वारी |
मेरी स्वामिनी भानुदुलारी, प्यारी बरसाने वारी |
में तो उन प्यारी पर वारी, जा पर वारी बनवारी |
जय हो, जय हो, जय हो, जय हो प्यारी |
जय हो, जय हो, जय 'कृपालु' बनवारी |

राधे राधे

रंगीली महलन वारी

रंगीली महलन वारी, सोई मम वृषभानुदुलारी |
रंगीली महलन वारी, सोई बरसाने वारी |
रंगीली महलन वारी, सोई नाथबेसर वारी |
रंगीली महलन वारी, सोई नीलाम्बर वारी |
रंगीली महलन वारी, जेहि संग लाख लाख ब्रजनारी |
रंगीली महलन वारी, बनवारी जा पर वारी |
रंगीली महलन वारी, जेहि पद राज चह बनवारी |
रंगीली महलन वारी, जेहि पग चापत बनवारी |
रंगीली महलन वारी, जेहि हो 'कृपालु' उरधारी ||

मेरो प्रियतम कुंज बिहारी

मेरो प्रियतम कुंज बिहारी , तन मन धन उन  पर वारी |
मेरो प्राण प्राण बनवारी, विहरत नित सनद बिहारी |
मम पिय बनी गयो बनवारी, में बनी गई उनकी प्यारी |
वे व्रिन्दविपिं बिहारी, हे गई उनतेई मम यारी |
लिए मधुर भाव उर धरी, किये यार निकुंज बिहारी |
हम्रिहूँ सुधि लो बनवारी, रिरियात पारित बनवारी |
मन सुनत न नेकु हमारी, तुम सुस्नु 'कृपालु' बनवारी |

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

लाडलिहिन लीला ललित रसाल |

लाडलिहिन  लीला ललित रसाल |
तुत्रिन बतियाँ कहती मातु ते, पकरी चिबुक अरु भाल
मईया ! गई रही खेलत वन, संग सखिन ब्रजबाल |
इतनेहीं माहीं अनेक्नी नौतनु, आई तहाँ ततकाल |
देखन लगीं मोहिं सब इकटक, पुनि चुमेहूँ मम भाल |
पुनि कानन कछु कहीं पस्पर, भई शंक मोहिं हाल |
पुनि 'कृपालु' अस कहत चलीं भाल, जोरी लालिहीं-लाल  ||

भावार्थ - श्री किशोरी जी की बाल लीला सरस से भी सरस हे | क्जिशोरी जी कीर्ति-मईया की ठोढ़ी एवं उनका ललाट पकड़कर तोतली भाषा में कहती हैं - "आरी मईया आज में ललितादिक सखियों के साथ वन में खेलने गई थी | वहां अनेक युवतियों का अचानक ही एक झुण्ड आ गया और वे सब - घुर घुर कर मुझे देखने लगीं | फिर प्रत्येक ने मेरे गाल का चुम्बन किया | पश्चात आपस में कुछ कानाफूसी की , कदाचित मेरी कोई बुराई की |'कृपालु के शब्दों में पुनः वे सब युवतियां यह कहती हुयी चली गई की लाल एवं लाली की जोरी बनी ही अनूठी रहेगी |

Monday, October 17, 2011

Gaura Lila & Krishna Lila

Gaura Lila 
Acyuta gopi Acyutananda
Akrura Gopinatha Simha -Ambikä Mäliné Ananga manjari
(vara gopi) Jahnavi mata, Vasudha devi, Nityananada Aniruddha
Vakresvar Pandit- Arjuna Pandava
Ramananda Raya Arjuna (priya-narma-sakha) Paramesvara das Thakur / Ramananda Raya
Balaram- Nityananada
Bhandan Muni -Devananda Pandit
Bhangura Sri Govinda Bhrngara Kasisvara Pandit
Bhu-sakti(Mother of the Universe) Vishnupriya devi Bindumati gopi Kavi-karnapura's mother Brahma/Prahlad -Namacarya Haridas Thakur
Brihaspati Sarvabauma Bhattacarya Campaka manjari- Narottama das Thakur
Campakalata (varistha gopi)- Raghava Gosvami
Candra Uddhava / Candrasekhar Acarya Candrahasa (dancer)
Jagadisa Pandit- Candrakanti Purnananda
Gadadhara das Pandit -Lalita sakhi
Candramukha (dancer)- Makaradhvajakara
Candravali -Sadasiva Pandit
Citra (varistha gopi) -Sri Vanamali
Citrangi gopi -Srinatha Misra Daksa (parrot)
Caitanya dasa Dama (priya-sakha) -Nagara Purusottama
Dhanistha- Raghava Pandit Duti devi(messenger of Radharani)
Sivananda Sena- Gandharva (priya-narma-sakha)
Kumudananda Pandita -Ganges River Srimati Ganga devi
Garuda Garuda -Pandita Gauraseni gopi
Narayana Vacaspati -Guna manjari
Gaurakisora das Babaji / Gopal Bhatta Gosvami
Gunacuda -Kavi Karnapura
Garga Muni -Nilambara Cakravarti
Hanuman -Murari Gupta
Indira gopi- Jiva Pandita
Indradumnya- Maharaja Prataparudra Maharaja
Indulekha sakhi -Krsnadasa Brahmacari Jaya and Vijaya Nandini and Jangali Kalakantha devi
(Gandharva dancer) Ramananda Vasu
Kalakeli devi- Madhavi devi
(Sikhi-mahiti's sister) Kalambika devi
Narayani devi -Kalavati (vara gopi)
Govinda Ghosh- Kalpavrksa tree from Vraja
Madhavendra Puri- Kamala manjari
Bhaktivinode Thakur- Kanaka manjari
Syamananda Prabhu- Karna manjari
Ramacandra Kaviraj- Kastüré Maïjaré
Kåñëadäsa Kaviräja- Katyayani devi
Srikanta Sena -Kaveri gopi
Pitambara Kirtida-devi(Wife of Maharaja Vrsabhanu)
Ratnavati-devi(Wife of Pundarika Vidyanidhi)
Krsna- Caitanya Mahaprabhu
Krsna's Flute- Vamsivadananda Thakur
Ksirodakasayi Visnu- Viracandra Prabhu
Kubja- Kasi Misra
Kulaka- Kasinatha
Kumuda-Garuda- Kusumapida (sakha) Vrindavan das Thakur Kusumasava Kholaveca Sridhara Pandit Kuvera Kuvera Pandit Lalita (varistha gopi) Gadadhara Pandit / Svarupa Damodara Gosvami / Ramananda Raya / Dhruvananda Brahmacari Lavanga Kaliya Krsna das Lila manjari (Manjulali manjari) Lokanath Gosvami Madhavi gopi Madhvacarya Madhukanta Madhava Datta Madhukantha (a singer in Vraja) Mukunda Datta Madhumati Narahari Sarakara Thakur Madhureksana gopi Balabhadra Bhattacarya Madhuvrata (a singer in Vraja) Vasudeva Datta Thakur Mahabahu sakha Mahesh Pandit Mahabala Kamalakara Pippalai Maharaja Janaka (King of Mithila) Vallabhacarya Maladhara (flute carrier) Vanamala Pandita Malli gopi Kali dasa Mani manjari Srinivasa Acarya Manjumedha manjari Gopalguru Gosvami Manohara gopi Kavicandra Nanda Maharaja
(Krsna's Father) Jagannath Misra
(Mahaprabhu's Father) Nandimukhi Saranga das Thakur Närada Muni Srivas Pandit Nayanamani manjari Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Nisatha and Ulmuka Minaketan Rama das One of the Pandavas Gopinath Pattanayaka One of the Yajnapatnis Suklambar Brahmacari Parjanya
(Krsna's paternal grandfather) Upendra Misra Partial incarnation of Lord Caitanya Bhagavanacarya Partial incarnation of Lord Caitanya Pradyumna Misra Patala devi, (wife of Sumukha) Saci devi's mother Patraka Brhacchisu Paurnamasi Govinda Acarya / Sita devi Payoda gopa   Prabala, friend of Balaram Halayudha Thakura Pradyumna Raghunandana Thakur Pradyumna Misra Pradyumna Brahmacari Prema manjari Bhugarbha Gosvami Pundarikaksa Govinda Purnananda gopi
(dear friend of Balaram) Gadadhara dasa pandit Radharani Gadadhara Pandit / Caitanya Mahaprabhu Raga manjari Raghunath Bhatta Gosvami Raktaka Haridasa das Rangadevi (varistha gopi) Gadadhara Bhatta Rangalekha sakhi Sikhi Mahiti Rasa manjari Raghunath das Gosvami Rasika manjari Jagannath das Babaji Rasollasa Vasudeva Ghosh Rati/Lavanga manjari Sanatana Gosvami / Sivananda Cakravarti Ratnarekha / Kasturi manjari Krsna das Kaviraj Gosvami Ratnavali devi Baladev Vidyabhusan / Gopinatha Acarya Revati devi Jähëavä Devé Rohini Padmavati Rukmini devi Laksmipriya
(Daughter of Vallabhacarya) Rupa manjari Rupa Gosvami Sadasiva Advaita Acarya Saibya sakhi Damodara Pandit Sandipani Muni Kesava Bharati Sankarsana Visvarupa Sasirekha devi Sri Kasisvara Gosvami Sarasvati Damodara Pandit Satrajit (King) Sanatan Misra Satyabhama devi Jagadananda Pandit Sribhadra gopi Sankara Pandit Sridama (priya-sakha) Abhiram Thakur Stokakrsna (priya-sakha) Purusottama das Thakur Subahu gopa Uddharan Datta Thakur Subala (priya-narma-sakha) Gauri das Pandit Subhana from Vraj Subuddhi Raya Sudama (priya-sakha) Sundarananda Thakur Sudama Brahmana Vanamali Thakur Sudevi (varistha gopi) Ananta Acarya Gosvami Sudhakara (mridanga player) Sankara Ghosa Sukadeva Gosvami Vallabha Bhatta Sukantha devi
(Gandharva dancer) Satyaraja Sukesi gopi Makaradhvaja Sumukha (Yasoda's father) Srimati Saci-devi's father Tungavidya (varistha gopi) Prabodhänanda Sarasvaté Uddhava Sri Paramananda Puri Variyasi devi
(Krsna's paternal grandmother) Kamalavati devi Varuni devi Vasudha devi Varuthapa Rudra Pandita Vasistha Muni Ganga das Pandit and Sudarsana Vasudama (priya-sakha) Dhananjaya Pandit Vasudeva Mukunda Vibhisan / Jatila Ramacandra Puri Vicaksana (parrot) Rama das Vilasa manjari Jiva Gosvami Vinode manjari Visvanath Cakravarti Thakur Vira devi (messenger) Sivananda Sena Varida Nandai Visakha (varistha gopi) Svarupa Damodara Gosvami Visvakarma Bhaskara Thakura Visvamitra Muni Vanamali Acarya (Astrologer) Vivisvan Sriman Visvesvara Acarya Vrinda devi Sri Mukunda dasa Vrsabhanu Maharaja Pundarika Vidyanidi and
Sri Madhava Misra Yasoda-devi (Krsna's Mother) Saci devi (Mahaprabhu's Mother)

Radharani's Birth

Raval is the birthplace of Srimati Radharani. It is not so frequently visited place, which inspires unique mood of separation in the hearts of Her devotees.
Once King Vrisabhanu went to the Yamuna river to take bath. He saw a golden lotus flower that shone like a million suns in the middle of the river... In the middle of the lotus flower was baby Srimati Radharani... ...Lord Brahma appeared before King Vrisabhanu and told him that in his previous life he and his wife, Kirtida, had performed great austerities to get the consort of Lord Vishnu as their daughter... ...King Vrisabhanu took the child home, but found her to be blind...
...Narada Muni appeared before the king and told him that despite the child's blindness he should go ahead and perform all the auspicious birth ceremonies...
...Nanda Maharaja brought baby Krishna along for the ceremonies held by king Vrisabhanu for his daughter...
...When baby Krishna crawled before Srimati Radharani, She could smell the wonderful aroma of His body, and at that moment She opened Her eyes. The first person She saw was Her eternal consort, Sri Krishna.

Radhey Radhey

Service to Kṛṣṇa in anger

In ecstatic loving service to Kṛṣṇa in anger, Kṛṣṇa is always the object. In Vidagdha-mādhava, Second Canto, 53rd verse, Lalitāgopī expressed her anger, which was caused by Kṛṣṇa, when she addressed Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī thus: "My dear friend, my inner desires have been polluted. Therefore I shall go to the place of Yamarāja. But I am sorry to see that Kṛṣṇa has still not given up His smiling over cheating You. I do not know how You could repose all Your loving propensities upon this lusty young boy from the neighborhood of the cowherds."
After seeing Kṛṣṇa, Jaratī sometimes said, "O You thief of young girls' properties! I can distinctly see the covering garment of my daughter-in-law on Your person." Then she cried very loudly, addressing all the residents of Vṛndāvana to inform them that this son of King Nanda was setting fire to the household life of her daughter-in-law.
Similar ecstatic love for Kṛṣṇa in anger was expressed by Rohiṇī-devī when she heard the roaring sound of the two falling arjuna trees to which Kṛṣṇa had been tied. The whole neighborhood proceeded immediately towards the place where the accident took place, and Rohiṇīdevī took the opportunity to rebuke Mother Yaśodā as follows: "You may be very expert in giving lessons to your son by binding Him with rope, but don't you look to see if your son is in a dangerous spot? The trees are falling on the ground, and He is simply loitering there!" This expression of Rohiṇī-devī's anger toward Yaśodā is an example of ecstatic love in anger caused by Kṛṣṇa.
Once, while Kṛṣṇa was in the pasturing ground with His cowherd boys, His friends requested Him to go to the Tālavana Forest, where Gardabhāsura, a disturbing demon in the shape of an ass, resided. The friends of Kṛṣṇa wanted to eat the fruit from the forest trees, but they could not go because of fear of the demon. Thus they requested Kṛṣṇa to go there and kill Gardabhāsura. After Kṛṣṇa did this, they all returned home, and their report of the day's activity perturbed Mother Yaśodā because Kṛṣṇa had been sent alone into such danger in the Tālavana Forest. Thus she looked upon the boys with anger.
There is another instance of anger on the part of a friend of Rādhārāṇī's. When Rādhārāṇī was dissatisfied with the behavior of Kṛṣṇa and had stopped talking with Him, Kṛṣṇa was very sorry for Rādhārāṇī's great dissatisfaction, and in order to beg forgiveness, He fell down at Her lotus feet. But even after this, Rādhārāṇī was not satisfied, and She did not talk with Kṛṣṇa. At that time, one of Her friends chastised Her in the following words: "My dear friend, You are allowing Yourself to be churned by the rod of dissatisfaction, so what can I say unto You? The only advice I can give You is that You had better leave this scene immediately, because Your misbehavior is giving me too much pain. I cannot bear to see Your behavior, because even though Kṛṣṇa's peacock feather has touched Your feet, You still appear to be red-faced."
The above attitudes of dissatisfaction and anger in devotional service are called īrṣyu.

Radhey Radhey

Mukhara & Radharani

In the village named Yavat, the old lady Mukhara (Kirtida's mother) woke up and
rose from bed. Becoming eager to shower her granddaughter Radhika with the nectar of her
affection, she went to Her bedroom.
Although she was crooked by nature, Jatila, being eager to increase her son's wealth, arrived
and told Mukhara: "0 Learned lady! Please dress and ornament my daughter-in-law and engage
Her in the worship of the Sun god, so that my son's progeny, life span and wealth of millions of
cows may increase! Paurnamasi, who knows how to increase our wealth, daily tells me that I
should never violate Queen Yasoda's order and I should neglect the advise of ignorant fools!
Therefore, 0 revered lady, ornament your granddaughter with auspiciousness, so that my son
may gain all desired wealth!"
Then Jatila told her daughter-in-law Radhika: "0 Child! Quickly get up from bed! Worship Your
parental home, take a purifying bath and collect all Your paraphernalia for worshiping the Sun
Repeatedly telling herself: "0 how amazing! Morning has broken and still my granddaughter is
sleeping", Mukhara, whose body melted of affection, entered Radha's bedroom and told Her: "0
my girl! Get up from bed now! 0 bewildered girl, have You forgotten that it is Sunday today?
Take Your bath and quickly prepare Your paraphernalia for worshiping the Sun god with
Visakha awoke from hearing Mukhara's words and quickly got up, despite the fact that she was
still tired, saying: "My dear friend! Quickly get up! Get up!"
Because of Mukhara's and Visakha's words, bewildered Radha woke up and fell asleep time
after time. Her body, exhausted from love play, looked like a lordly swan swung by the moving
waves of a pond.
Then Sri Rati manjari, seeing her opportunity, began to serve the lotus feet of Her friend Radha,
the princess of Vrndavana.
Being repeatedly addressed by Visakha and Mukhara, Sri Radhika got up from bed. Then
Mukhara, seeing Krsna's yellow cloth on Her, said with an anxious heart: "Visakhe, look! What
is this? Yesterday-evening I saw this bright golden

cloth on Murari's chest, but now your friend is wearing it! Alas, alas! How could this happen to a
pure housewife?"
Visakha, hearing these words, cast a quick glance on the yellow cloth and anxiously thought: "0,
what is this?" Then she quickly told Mukhara: "0 naturally blind lady! The golden sunrays
coming in through the window make my friend's blue cloth look golden also! 0 bewildered old
lady! Why are you giving anxiety to pure-hearted girls?"
Meanwhile, the sakhis headed by Lalita left their own homes and quickly came to see Sri
Radhika with stumbling gait.
Even before Sri Radhika got up, the maidservants were awaiting their mistress close to the

Asta Sakhis of Radharani

Father: Viçoka
Mother: Säradé-devi
Husband: Bhairava gopa (close friend of Govardhana gopa)
Home: Yavat
Age: 14 years 8 months 27 days old? / or twenty-seven
days older than
Çrématé Rädhikä
Lalita devi,
  • is contrary and hot-tempered by nature (vama-prakhara);
  • has a complexion like the yellow pigment gorocana;
  • wears garments like peacock feathers;
  • has long beautiful, plaited hair;
  • personifies khandita bhava.
Of the eight Varistha (the most exalted) gopis, Lalita devi is the best. She is a dear friend of the Divine Couple and she is the eldest of Krsna's gopi friends.
She is the leader of the parama-preñöha-sakhés; she instructs and directs all the sakhés; she understands all the different moods of loving affairs; and she is expert in the tactics of union and separation in the matter of prema If by chance Kåñëa ever commits any offense toward Çré Rädhä Lalitä is quick to rebuke Him, raising her head in anger.
Lalita is famous as Srimati Radharani's constant companion and follower.
The 8 principal sakhis in Lalitäs group are:
Ratnarekha -Ratikalä - Subhadrä - Bhadra rekhikä - Sumukhé - Dhaniñöhä - Kala haàsé and Kaläpiné


Gaura lila - Svarupa Damodara Gosvami /  Ramananda Raya
Father: Pavana
Mother: Daksina-devi (- daughter of Jatila's sister)
Husband: Bahuka-gopa
Age: 14 years 2 months 15 days

  • was born at the exact same moment as her dear friend Srimati Radharani appeared in this world;
  • is contrary and hot-tempered by nature;
  • has a complexion like lightning;
  • wears garments decorated with stars;
  • is a skilful artist.
She is the second most important of the eight varistha-gopis. Her attributes, activities and resolve are all much like those of her friend Lalita.


Gaura lila - Sri Vanamali
Father: Catura (- paternal uncle of Suryamitra);
Mother: Carccika devi;
Husband: Pithara
Age: 14 years 7 months 14 days
  • has a complexion resembling the color of kunkuma/saffron;
  • wears garments the resembling crystal.
Citra is the fourth of the varistha-gopis. When Lord Madhava is full of bliss, she becomes satisfied.


Gaura lila - Raghava Gosvami
Father: Candaksa;
Mother: Vatika-devi;
Husband: Arama.
  • is one day younger than Srimati Radharani;
  • is contrary and hot-tempered by nature;
  • has a complexion the color of yellow campaka flowers;
  • wears garments the color of a blue-jay;
Campakalata is the third of the varistha gopis.


Gaura lila - Gadadhara Bhatta
Father: Rangasara;
Mother: Karuna devi;
Sister: Sudevi
  • is seven days younger than Srimati Radharani;
  • is contrary and hot-tempered by nature;
  • Has a complexion the color of a lotus filament;
  • wears garments the color of a red rose.
Rangadevi is the seventh of the varistha gopis.


Gaura lila - Ananta Acarya Gosvami
Father: Rangasara;
Mother: Karuna devi;
Sister: Rangadevi;
Husband: Vakreksana (- the younger brother of Bhairava);
  • is sweet and charming by nature;
  • her form and other qualities are so similar to those of her sister Rangadevi that they are often mistaken for one another.
Sudevi is the eighth of the varistha-gopis.
Gaura lila - Prabhodhananda Sarasvati
Father: Puskara
Mother: Medha devi
Husband: Balisa
  • is fifteen days younger than Srimati Radharani;
  • is hot-tempered and expert at dissimulation;
  • wears white garments;
  • has a complexion the color of kunkuma;
  • has the fragrance of sandalwood mixed with camphor.
Tungavidya is the fifth of the varistha-gopis.


Gaura lila - Krsnadasa Brahmacari
Father: Sagara;
Mother: Vela-devi;
Husband: Durbala
  • is three days younger than Srimati Radharani;
  • is contrary and hot-tempered by nature;
  • wears garments the color of a pomegranate flower;
  • has a tan complexion.
Indulekha is the sixth of the varistha-gopis.

Radhey Radhey



Yasoda-devi, the queen of the cowherds, is more affectionate to Radharani than millions of mothers can be.  Radharani's father is King Vrsabhanu, who is as splendid as the sun.
Srimati Radharani's mother is Kirtida-devi, who is also known in this world as Ratnagarbha-devi.  Radharani's paternal grandfather is Mahibhanu and Her maternal grandfather is Indu.
Her maternal grandmother is Mukhara-devi and Her paternal grandmother is Sukhada-devi.  Her father's brothers (Her uncles) are Ratnabhanu, Subhanu and Bhanu.
Bhadrakirti, Mahakirti and Kirticandra are Radharani's materal uncles. Menaka-devi, Sasthi-devi, Gauri-devi, Dhatri-devi and Dhataki-devi are Radharani's materal aunts.
Radharani's mother's sister is Kirtimati-devi, whose husband is Kasa. Radharani's father's sister is Bhanumudra-devi, whose husband is Kusa.
Radharani's elder brother is Sridama and Her younger sister is Ananga-manjari. Radharani's father-in-law is Vrikagopa and Her brother-in-law is Durmada.
Jatila-devi is Radharani's mother-in-law and Abhimanyu is Radharani's so-called husband.  Kutila-devi, who is always eager to find fault, is Radharani's sister-in-law.
Lalita, Visakha, Sucitra, Campakalata, Ranga-devi, Sudevi, Tungavidya and Indulekha are the eight dearest friends of Srimati Radharani.  These gopis are considered the leaders of all the others.
Kurangaksi, Mandali, Mankiundala, Matali, Candralalita, Madhavi, Madanalasa, Manjumedha, Sasikala, Sumadhya, Madhureksana, Kamala, Kamalatika, Gunacuda, Varangada, Madhuri, Candrika, Prema-manjari, Tanumadhyama, Kandarpa-sundari and Manjukesi are among the millions of dear friends (priya-sakhi) of Srimati Radharani.
Lasika, Kelikandali, Kadambari, Sasimukhi, Candrarekha, Priyamvada, Madonmada, Madhumati, Vasanti, Kalabhasini, Ratnavali, Manimati and Karpuralatika are among those friends (jivita-sakhi) for whom Srimati Radharani is as dear as life.
Kasturi, Manojna, Manimanjari, Sindura, Candanavati, Kaumudi and Madira are among Sriamti Radharani's eternal friends (nitya-sakhi).
Srimati Radharani's Manjari Friends.
Ananga-manjari, Rupa-manjari, Rati-manjari, Lavanga-manjari, Raga-manjari, Rasa-manjari, Vilasa-manjari, Prema-manjari, Mani-manjari, Suvarna-manjari, Kama-manjari, Ratna-manjari, Kasturi-manjari, Gandha-manjari, Netra-manjari, Sripadma-manjari, Lila-manjari and Hema-manjari are among Srimati Radharani's manjari friends.  Prema-manjari and Rati-manjari are both also known by the name Bhanumati-devi.
The Objects of Srimati Radharani's Worship
Srimati Radharani's worshipable deity is the sun-god, who enlivens the lotus flowers and acts as an eye for the entire world.  Srimati Radharani's maha-mantra is the name of Lord Krishna.  Srimati Radharani's benefactor, who brings Her all good fortune, is Bhagavati Paurnamasi.
Specific Description of Various Gopis
Lalita-devi and the other eight principal gopis, the other gopis and the manjari have forms that are for the most part like the transcendental form of Srimati Radharani, the queen of Vrindavan.
Vrinda-devi, Kundalat-devi and their followaers assist the divine couple in Their pastimes in the various forests of Vrindavan.  Dhanistha-devi, Gunamala-devi and their followers remain in the home of Nanda Maharaja, the cowherd king and assist the Lord's pastimes from there.
Kamada-devi is the daughter of Srimati Radharani's nurse.  Kamada is an especially close friend of Radharani.  Ragalekha-devi, Kalakeli-devi and Manjula-devi are some of Radharani's maidservants.
Nandimukhi-devi and Bindumati-devi are the leaders of those gopis who arrange the rendezvous of Radha and Krishna.  Syamala-devi and Mangala-devi are the leaders of those gopis who act as well-wishers of Srimati Radharani.
Candravali-devi is the leader of those gopis who are Srimati Radharani's rivals.
The talented musicians Rasollasa-devi, Gunatunga-devi,Kalakanthi-devi, Sukhanti-devi, and Pikakanti-devi delight Lord Hari by singing Visakha's musical compositions.
Maniki-devi, Narmada-devi, and Kusumapesala-devi serve the divine couple by playing drums, cymbals, string instruments like the vina, and wind instruments like the flute.
In this way we have described some of the sakhis (gopi friends), nitya-sakhis (eternal gopi friends), prana-sakhis (gopi friends who are as dear as life), priya-sakhis (dear gopi friends) and parama-prestha-sakhis (dearest gopi friends)
Srimati Radharani's Maidservants
Ragalekha-devi, Kalakeli-devi and Bhurida-devi are the leaders for those gopis who are Srimati Radharani's maidservants.  Among these maidservants are Sugandha-devi and Nalini-devi (the two daughters of Divakirti-devi) and Manjistha-devi and Rangaraga-devi (the two daughters of Nanda Maharaja's laundry washers).
Palindri-devi serves Srimati Radharani by dressing and decorating Her.  Chitrini decorates Radharani with various cosmetics.  Mantriki-devi and Tantriki-devi are astrologers who reveal the future to Srimati Radharani.
Katyayani-devi is the leader of those gopi messengers who are older than Srimati Radharani.  Bhagyavati-devi and Punyapunja-devi, the two daughters of Maharaja Nanda's sweeper, are also the maidservants of Srimati Radharani.
Tunga-devi, Malli-devi and Matalli-devi are the leaders of those girls descended from the uncivilized mountain tribe known as the Pulindas.  In Vrindavan some of the Pulinda girls act as the friends of Srimati Radharani and some are the friends of Sri Krishna.
Also included among Srimati Radharani's servants are Gargi-devi and other very respectable brahmana girls, Bhringarika-devi and other girls from the cheti community, Vijaya-devi, Rasala-devi, Payoda-devi and other girls from the vita community, as well as the boys Subala, Ujjvala, Gandharva, Madhumangala and Raktaka.
Tunga-devi, Pisangi-devi and Kalakandala-devi always remain near Srimati Radharani to serve Her.  Manjual-devi, Bindula-devi, Sandha-devi, Mrdula-devi and others, although very young still engage in Radharani's service.
Sunada, Yamuna and Bahula are the most important of Srimati Radharani's pet surabhi cows.  Tungi is Her chubby pet calf, Kakkhati is Her old pet monkey, Rangini is Her pet doe and Charuchandrika is Her pet chakori bird.
Tundikeri is the name of Radharani's pet swan, who is fond of swimming in Radha-kunda.  Madhuri is Radharani's pet elephant and Suksmadhi and Subha are Her two pet parrots.
The two parrots perfectly imitate Lalita-devi's playful jokes spoken to her master and mistress (Sri Sri Radha-Krishna).  By this wonderful repetition the parrots astonish the gopis.
Srimati Radharani's Ornaments
Srimati Radharani's tilaka marking is named Smarayantra.  Her jeweled necklace is named Harimohana, Her jeweled earrings are named Rocana and the pearl decorating Her nose is named Prabhakari.
Her locket which contains a picture of Lord Krishna, is named Madana.  Her Syamantaka jewel is also known as Sankhacuda-siromani (Sankhacuda's crest-jewel).
The auspicious jewel She wears around Her neck is called Puspavan because it eclipses the simultaneous rising of the sun and moon (puspavan) with its splendor.  Her anklets are called Chatakarava because their tinkling sounds resemble the warbling of chataka birds.  Her bracelets are called Manikarvura.
Srimati Radharani's signet ring is named Vipaksamardini.  Her sash is named Kancanacitrangi and Her ankle-bells, which stun Lord Krishna with their tinkling sounds, are named Ratnagopura.
Srimati Radharani's garments are named Meghambara.  Her choli is red like a ruby and it is the favorite of Lord Hari.  Radharani's ghaghra is the color of a blue cloud and it is Her own favorite.
Srimati Radhrani's jeweled mirror is named Sudhamsudarpaharana, which means "that which removes (harana) the moon's (sudhamsu) pride (darpa)."
Her golden stick for applying mascara is named Narmada, Her jeweled comb is named Svastida and Her private flower garden is named Kandarpakuhali.
In Radharani's garden is a vine of golden jasmine flowers that She has named Tadidvalli ("the vine of lightning").  Her private lake bears Her own name (Radha-kunda) and on the shore of that lake is a kadamba tree that is the site of very confidential talks between Her and Lord Krishna.
Her favorite ragas are mallara and dhanasri and Her favorite dances are chalikya and rudravallaki.
Srimati Radharani's glorious birth occured on the eighth day of the bright moon in the month of Bhadra.  Although generally not full on that day, the moon appeared full to celebrate Radharani's appearance in this world.
Radhey Radhey