Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Braj Gopika Dham

Braj Gopika Dham

Generally the name of any ahram or divine adobe is based on its Supreme Lord or the name of their Spiritual Guide (GURU). But the name of our ashram...well it follows neither the name of its Lord nor is it based on the name of its prime motivator , its Spiritual Mentor...nor it follows the title of its functioning path . What then makes the entitlement of Braj Gopika Dham follow the names of the Gopis of Braj Dham...?

According to her Holi Highness , Deviji – “ The time when the naming ceremony of this divine adobe was to be done , did not follow any serious realisation of the science behind this name as it is being done these days . But then, due to the unbounded divine grace of Shri Maharajji , there was this guiding thought in the heart that the place that the Braj Gopikas hold in the landscape of divine love is the most supreme one. Without the grace of those great souls , it is impossible even to hold the imagination of GOPI PREM ( the supreme divine love of the Braj Gopikas) . Their selfless, unconditional love is worth all the reverence and worship. Therefore for the mutual devotees of Shri Yugal Sarkar like us, the divine Braj Gopikas are only our sole inspiration. Therefore, the naming of this holy abode had to be done after their name only. It was the blessings of our Divine Master that bestowing his boundless grace on a poor fellow like me, He filled my heart with the essential motivation of building this Ashram. To be very honest, i did not have any multipurpose projects in my mind behind founding this Ashram. As i have always been stayed true to the guidance of my divine Master , my goal is always fixed and my purpose is also the same always. That very aim, that very purpose are the prime guiding factors behind building this Ashram. The goal is- Despising our minds with any sort of difference that we are likely to attach between Shri Sadguru Maharaj and ShyamaShyam.


In the year 2002, when his Holiness, Our Shri Maharajji graced his pious presence for the first time in Braj Gopika Dham, he immediately swept into a divine meditative state ( Bhav Samadhi) and when he returned to the normalcy , the first sentence dropped from his holy lips was : “ This is a befitting place for SADHNA .” And after that Shri Maharajji time and again blessed this land with his divine presence in his repeated visits every single year that followed . Every nook and corner of this holy adobe turned to be divine and pure as being blessed with the stardust of His lotus feet. This divine realisation can be spontaneously obtained by anyone who pays a visit to Braj Gopika Dham . This place is blessed with the pride of being a wonderful land of divine deeds of the most supreme and ultimate Mentor of GOPIBHAV , the very fountain of divine love , SHRI MAHARAJJI Himself. Perhaps this is the reason why our Dear Lord ( Shri Maharajji) guided us to name this holy abode as BRAJ GOPIKA DHAM.

We all are eternally grateful to the lotus feet of our Divine Master , our Gurudev who projected the significance of this sacred land amid the infinite applauds of the love-drenched souls. Even the native dwellers of this region are also of the view that the place where now our Ashram is being founded , once used to be the place of meditative contemplation of many great spiritual practitioners (Sadhaks).


Offering the omnipotent unconditional service to our Maharajji, our Divine Guide, The very emblem of Shri ShyamaShyam - The name of this very mission is only BRAJ GOPIKA SEVA MISSION . This mission is founded on, and functioned by the set of principles and values led by Shri Maharajji . And it performs both material as well as spiritual services to the society in order to sustain the sense of selfless service taught by Shri Maharajji.


Our holy adobe , Braj Gopika Dham inhabits a key mission : Relentless practice and service of unbiased and unconditional devotion propagated by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu ji Maharaj , in order to attain the ultimate goal of man which is none other than the never ending service of Shri Shyama Shyam !

To explain the same in broader terms, there are two distinct missions of Braj Gopika Dham –

1) To practice and make people practice the devotional processes channelized by our Spiritual Master, His Holiness, Jagadguru Shri Kripalu ji Maharaj , in order to realise the definitive goal of human life.

2) In order to attain the supreme divine love, feeling the essence of Shri Shyama Shyam in everyone and dedicating all we have (that include every morsel of our physical , mental and financial wealth) while applying the lessons conferred by Shri Maharajji in own life as well as channelizing the same to the lives of other.  


A) Promoting the Sanatan Vaidic Principles propounded by Shri Maharajji

B) Being ever-prepared to participate in the social and spiritual services forwarded by the Jagadguru Kripalu Parishad ( founded by Shri Maharajji) in every possible mode of body, mind and finance.

C) To render various social services as well in order to lend a practical outlet to the sense of selfless service forwarded by Shri Maharajji. Such social activities include blood donation camp, Brahma bhoj (food camp for Brahmins) , Balbhoj ( Food camp for children) , Free Health Camp and management of free medical services etc 


For the proper management of the afore mentioned services , Braj Gopika Dham has 140 units and four major centers-

1. BRAJ GOPIKA DHAM , Tangi , Odisha

2. JAGADGURU DHAM , Puri , Odisha

3. BRAJ GOPIKA DHAM, Navadweep , West Bengal

4. KRIPALU HILL ABODE , Darjeeling , West Bengal  

Radhe Radhe

Poojaniya Raseshwari Devi

Poojaniya Raseshwari Devi


Poojniya Raseshwari Devi ji is the foremost preacher of Jagadguru Shree Kripalu ji Maharaj, the crest jewel of the saints in the spiritual galaxy of the world. The unique philosophy of reconciliation of all spiritual faiths and the devotional sadhana gifted by Kripalu ji Maharaj is being propagated in the nook and corner of the country and abroad by a galaxy of preachers.Poojniya Raseshwari Devi ji is one of the leading pracharak among the elite group of pracharaks constituted by Jagadguru Kripalu Ji Maharaj.Her unique satsang has diverted the lifestyle of the people to the mainstream of real bliss. Her proximity has propelled people toward the real domain of the life divine.

She is an excellent mentor. Her unique and cheerful satsang is instrumental in making life gleeful for thousands of people in India and abroad. She has made a pledge before her spiritual master to dedicate herself full fledged for the spiritual welfare of the human race. Her only abiding principle is the devotional service towards her spiritual master and carrying out his dictates. She is the epitome of devotion, dedication and renunciation. People find themselves fortunate to proceed forward to the unknown world of Divine Love in Her affable and pleasing guidance. She is a mother, a friend, a teacher, a guide, a caretaker and many more. One feels easy, protected and tranquil to stay in her company. She is dynamic for youths, loving for children, pleasing for seniors and blissful to all seekers. She imparts divine vibrations to this world and affectionately helps eager seekers to experience the bliss of true devotion. Her graciousness, cuteness, generosity and simplicity attract every sincere devotee Thus, she is being lovingly and fondly known as Maa by her admires and close followers.

राधे राधे 

Jagadguru Shri Kripaluji Maharaj

About Jagadguru Shri Kripaluji Maharaj

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, founder of Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat, was a God Realised Saint whose entire life was dedicated to inspiring souls on the path of devotion to God. Through enlightening discourses and chanting of the holy name, Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj (lovingly called Shri Maharaj Ji by His devotees) made unceasing efforts to reveal the true philosophy from the Vedic scriptures to mankind in the simplest form possible so that they may attain their true goal of God Realisation. Mankind was privileged to have his physical association on this planet earth from 1922 to 2013.
Honoured with titles such as ‘The Supreme Spiritual Master of the World’, ‘Descension of Divine Love and Bliss’, ‘Eminent Propounder of Eternal Vedic Religion’ and ‘Reconciler of all Seemingly Contradictory Philosophical Views of the World’, Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj truly was the personified form of divine love. His natural scholarliness inspired trust in even the greatest intellectuals, while his tremendous love, causeless grace and endless compassion melted the hearts and inspired devotional love in all who came near him. His satsang was divinely exhilarating and unbelievably joyous.
Shri Maharaj Ji made no distinction of caste, creed, colour or race. With His infinite love and compassion, He gathered all into the purity of His divine embrace.

His tall, stately and regal, yet childlike personality, had an indefinable attraction that drew all to Him, whether young or old, men or women, and of any country or language. The all-satisfying love that emanated from Him made each person feel the affection of a parent, friend and teacher, all in one.
His divine effulgence shined through all He said, all He did and all He was. Each and every seeker was amazed to see how approachable He was and enjoyed the special privilege of receiving individual attention from Him. Thus, He made each person feel that they belonged to Him. True to His name “Kripalu”, He was the very “Ocean of Grace”.

Shri Maharaj Ji’s Life History
Birth, Childhood & Youth

Jagadguru Kripalu Ji Maharaj appeared in a small village called Mangarh, near Allahabad, in India, on the auspicious night of Sharat Purnima in October 1922. His mother, Bhagvati Devi, and father, Lalita Prasad, named Him Ram Kripalu at birth. From the very first day, He delighted the hearts of everyone around Him with His sweet smile and serene look.


Since His childhood, His extraordinary virtues were noticed by people around Him. He spent His childhood in youthful fun, but at the same time, He excelled effortlessly in His studies and astonished His teachers and fellow students by His extraordinary intelligence and phenomenal memory. According to the tradition at that time, His parents got him married when he was 11 years old.


He completed His schooling in a very short span of time, followed by the study of Sanskrit grammar, literature and Ayurveda. He received the degree of Vyakaranacharya in 1936, Ayurved Acharya in 1943 and Sahitya Acharya (Master of Literature) in 1944. This brief period of study did not include study of the scriptures.


At around the age of sixteen, He suddenly gave up His studies and resumed His natural divine nature and remained engrossed in Divine Love as He disappeared into the dense forest near Sharbhang ashram in Chitrakoot, and then into the forests near Vanshivat in Vrindavan. During this period, He graced the deserving souls who got to see a glimpse of the true form of Radha-Krishna love appearing in its fullest charm and highest ecstatic excitement. He remained totally immersed in the ecstasy of Divine Love, oblivious to the outer world. He forgot to pay attention to His physical state and the world around Him, remaining unconscious for hours on end.


After approximately two years of moving about in this state of divine ecstasy, Shri Maharaj Ji was eventually discovered, and for the benefit of those people, he decided to conceal and control the bliss of divine love he was experiencing in order to propagate bhakti of Shri Krishna. Shri Maharaj Ji started revealing His divine wisdom and knowledge of the scriptures through His informal discourses. He also started immersing devotees in powerful waves of Divine Love and Bliss with this heart-melting chantings.

Satsang – True Association

In the 1940s and 1950s, Shri Maharaj Ji started conducting satsangs that brought about a revolution of Bhakti (devotion). He would lead kirtans (divine chantings) imbued with intense devotion, which would continue throughout the night. These kirtans, which He wrote himself, have been compared by scholars with those of Meerabai, Soordas, Tulsidas, and Ras Khan.


His sankirtan programs of those days were like the vivid glow of Radha-Krishn love that touched every heart, inspired everyone who was there and thrilled every soul who desired love of Radha-Krishna. Quite often He revealed the most amazing ecstatic state of divine love. According to the known history of Rasik Saints, these eminent states of Radha-Krishna love were revealed on the earth planet by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Ji for the first time in the last 5,000 years. The same expressions of divine love were seen in Shri Maharaj Ji when he chanted “Hare Ram” and “Hari Bol” in ecstasy.


During His satsangs Shri Maharaj Ji used to give informal discourses where he explained the concepts of devotion in a very simple language such that even an illiterate would grasp it. He would speak for several hours at a time oblivious of who came and who went home. His prime goal was to educate everyone about the knowledge given in our scriptures.

Jagadguru Title

Shri Maharaj Ji observed that people were misguided and totally ignorant of the actual essence of the scriptures, and the true form of devotional practice. To rectify this dismal spiritual state of mankind, in the year 1955, He organised a huge conference in Chitrakoot, which was attended by the most eminent scholars and Saints from Kashi, and various other parts of India. Another religious conference of a similar scale was organised by Him in 1956 in Kanpur. It was during these conferences that His scriptural omniscience was revealed to the world, and even the most learned scholars of Kashi who attended the conference were lost in amazement.


Impressed by Shri Maharaj Ji’s extraordinary authoritative knowledge of all the scriptures, the Kashi Vidvat Parishat, a prestigious and exclusive body of 500 of the most revered Vedic scholars, who collectively represented the foremost seat of spiritual learning in India, invited him to Kashi (Varanasi). Shri Maharaj Ji delivered a series of discourses in Sanskrit, which left all of them spellbound and speechless. With profound admiration, the scholars accepted Shri Maharaj Ji’s knowledge to be deeper than the combined knowledge of all 500 of them put together. They unanimously acclaimed him as “Jagadguru” (Spiritual Master of the whole world). This historic event took place on 14 January 1957. At the time, He was only 34 years of age.


Upon listening to Shri Maharaj Ji’s unique and authoritative knowledge of all scriptures, along with his astonishing reconciliation of the philosophies of the four prior Jagadgurus, the scholars of Kashi Vidvat Parishat gladly honoured Shri Maharaj Ji as Jagadguruttam, ‘Supreme amongst all Jagadgurus’.

Scriptural Discourses

After accepting the title of Jagadguru, Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj travelled throughout India continuously for around fourteen years. He delivered month-long discourses in various cities, in which He revealed the mysteries of the scriptures before tens of thousands of people. Masses gathered at the venue for a glimpse of this extraordinary scholar and Saint whose words left them spellbound.


Since that time, He continued to spread the knowledge and shower the nectar of Divine Love and Bliss. Shri Maharaj Ji’s lectures tantalized the masses with knowledge, humour, everyday examples and practical instructions, and delighted people of any age, language or country. It was a unique experience as He made the deepest scriptural truths accessible to everyone in the simplest language. His penetrative words had such divine power that even an atheist’s heart melted when Shri Maharaj Ji described the nature of the ultimate and absolute truth.

His writings and Charity

Shri Maharaj Ji composed thousands of bhajans and kirtans that evoke devotional sentiments within the heart. Topmost amongst them is ‘Prem Ras Madira’, a collection of 1008 devotional songs that has been highly praised by well-known poets of India. His book on philosophy, ‘Prem Ras Siddhant’ explains the ultimate aim of the individual soul, and sheds light on the importance of attaining divine grace and the indispensability of surrendering to a Saint. Shri Maharaj Ji has graced us with several other bhajan books such as Braj Ras Madhuri, Yugal Madhuri, Yugal Shatak, Bhakti Shatak, Yugal Ras, Shyama Shyam Geet, Radha Govind Geet, Krishna Dwadashi and Radha Trayodashi.


During his life, he personally trained more than fifty pracharaks, monastic disciples, both male and female. They continue to travel throughout India and the world as his ordained representatives, spreading the most authentic divine wisdom contained in our scriptures as revealed and explained by Shri Maharaj Ji. Together with their discourses, and Shri Maharaj Ji’s televised and online discourses, his teachings have spread all over the world.


To help the poor and the needy, Shri Maharaj Ji started three 100% free charitable hospitals in Mangarh, Vrindavan and Barsana that continues to provide medical treatment to the poor at no cost. He also established an educational institution that provides free education to girls from class 1 to post graduation. Much needed day-to-day necessities are distributed en-mass to some of our country’s poorest – blankets, dining utensils, food, medicine, financial aid etc. In times of tragedy, JKP has always been a generous donor of financial assistance, and will continue to be so.


On November 15, 2013, Shri Maharaj Ji brought His visible pastimes to a close and returned to the divine abode of Shri Radha Krishna. His spiritual and charitable works are now being carried forward by the three Presidents of Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat appointed by Him – Sushree Dr. Vishakha Tripathi, Sushree Dr. Shyama Tripathi and Sushree Dr. Krishna Tripathi.

Entire Life –
Unlimited Grace on the Souls

Shri Maharaj Ji’s entire life was dedicated to distributing Radha Krishna love to souls who associated with Him. From the time He woke up until the time He went to bed, Shri Maharaj Ji used to be amongst the devotees showering nectar of Divine Bliss.


Shri Maharaj Ji mostly resided in His ashrams in Mangarh, Barsana, Vrindavan and Delhi. Thousands of people visited these centres to have Shri Maharaj Ji’s association and to participate in ecstatic chanting programs and celebrations. Sometimes Shri Maharaj Ji visited different cities and towns to enlighten the hearts and minds of huge audiences that gathered to hear His explanations of the divine philosophy. His vivid descriptions of Radha Krishna pastimes and virtues thrilled the audience with the experience of Krishna love.


Each and every individual soul who naturally yearned for the attainment of happiness, found solace in Shri Maharaj Ji. He shined with divinity and worked tirelessly to uplift humanity. He dispelled all doubts of spiritual confusion with great ease and effectively revealed a clear and practical path leading to God. He was, in the true sense of the word, a Jagadguru, Guru of the entire world.

राधे राधे 

Shri Maharajji's Word

हम साधकों को सदा यही समझना चाहिए कि हमसे जो अच्छा काम हो रहा है, वह गुरु एवं भगवान की कृपा से ही हो रहा है

सदा यही सोचो कि मेरे जीवन का एक क्षण भी बिना हरि-गुरु सेवा के नष्ट न होने पाये।

जितना-जितना संसार को अपना समझते रहोगे,उतना-उतना भगवान पराया बनता जायेगा। -------श्री महाराजजी।

गुरु के साथ मनका तादात्म्य स्थापित करना चाहिये,यह मानसिक संबंध निरंतर चाहिये एवं संसारमें शरीर रखते हुए, मनसे संसार का त्याग देना चाहिये

गुरु मोर ''कृपालु'' सुनाम के, हैं अद्वितीय ''जगदगुरुत्तम'' एक मात्र भू-धाम के। जगदगुरु श्री कृपालु जी

मम मन महँ श्यामा जू, मम नैनन श्यामा जू, मम प्रानन श्यामा जू, जय जय जय श्यामा जू ।

मानव देह अमूल्य होते हुये भी क्षणिक है अतः परमार्थ साधना में एक क्षण का भी उधार सबसे बडी हानी है। ........श्री महाराज जी

केवल कर्मधर्म से लक्ष्य प्राप्त नहीं होगा। पहले गुरु की शरण में जाओ,जो वेद को जानता हो,उससे तत्वज्ञान प्राप्त करो।फिर अभ्यास करो।साधना करो।

भगवान् के प्रति जो हमारा नित्य सम्बन्ध है, उसको हमें जानना है और सदा मानना है। -----श्री महाराज जी।

साधक जब तक पूर्ण श्रद्धायुक्त नहीं होगा , वो ज्ञान का ग्रहण नहीं कर सकता।

राधे राधे

Words of Jagadguru Shri Kripaluji Maharajji

Words of Jagadguru Shri Kripaluji Maharajji-:

प्रिय साधक! "कहाँ हो तुम? अपने आप सोचो। सोचो और फ़ील करो और सुधार करो, तो धीरे-धीरे डेली आगे बढ़ते जाओगे।" .....श्री महाराजजी।

भगवान कहते हैं:- बस मेरा स्मरण करो। मैं सबकुछ करूँगा तुम्हारा। तुम खाली स्मरण करो, बाकी सब काम मैं करूँगा, और सदा के लिए अपना बना लूँगा।

भगवान तुमकों नहीं भूलते। वो तुम्हारे हृदय में बैठे हैं, सदा सर्वत्र। वो तुम्हारा साथ नहीं छोड़ते तुम ही भूले हुए हो अपने वास्तविक संबंधी को।

श्यामसुन्दर पर तुम्हारा इतना अधिकार है जितना अपने आप पर भी नहीं है। वे तुमसे इतना प्यार करते है जितना तुम अपने आप से भी नहीं करते। महाराजजी

अंश जीव का अंशी भगवान के सन्मुख होना ही हर दुख की एकमात्र औषधि है। ......श्री महाराजजी।

अनंत बार हमने सुना है संतो का लैक्चर और उस समय सिर को भी हिलाया.."आप बिलकुल ठीक कहते हैं गुरु जी" लेकिन फिर संसार में आसक्त हो गये। महाराजजी

"तुम लोग चिन्ता न करो ! ! जो तुमको नहीं मिला है, बह सब मैं दूँगा और जो मिला है, उसकी रक्षा करूँगा!

क्रोध आया कि सर्वनाश हुआ। बदतमीज़ कहने पर 'बदतमीज़' बन गए। आप इतने मूर्ख हैं कि एक मूर्ख ने 'मूर्ख' कह कर आपको मूर्ख बना दिया। महाराजजी

भगवान कहते हैं :- मेरी कृपा का रहस्य तुम इतना मान लो की जो कुछ भी हो रहा है वो सब "कृपा" ही है। ------श्री महाराजजी।

अपनी बुराई सुनकर सौभाग्य मानकर विभोर हो जाओ कि यह हमारा हितैषी है, क्योंकि हमारे दोषों को देखकर बता रहा है,अत: उन बुराइयों को निकालो।

राधे मोहिं चरण कमल रज कीजै! Radhe mohin charan kamal raj kejai! O radhe! Please make me the dust of your lotus feet.

गुरु' खोजने से 'गुरु' नहीं मिलते, 'हरि' खोजने से, 'हरि कृपा' से, 'गुरु' मिलते हैं। और इन्हीं 'गुरु' के माध्यम से फिर आपको 'हरि' मिलते हैं।

तू तो है अनंत प्रेमसिन्धु सुखधामा। एक बिन्दु सिन्धु ते पिला दे पूर्णकाम।।

कोई तुमसे कैसा भी कठोर से कठोर व्यवहार करे,फिर भी उसके प्रति कभी दुर्भावना आने न पावें। ख़ुद को ठीक करो। ........श्री महाराजजी।

मुख से रसिकों के आदर्शों की चर्चा की जाती है एवं मन विषय रस में लोलुप है तो ऐसा जीवन सन्त का जीवन नही है ! ऐसा जीवन व्यर्थ है! श्री महाराजजी

किसी वास्तविक रसिक की शरण ग्रहणकर , उनका सतत सत्संग करते रहने से श्रद्धा , रति , भक्ति क्रमशः स्वयं प्राप्त हो जाती

Please grace me with humility,patience which is the foundation of Bhakti. Steal my ego away ,give me selfless Bhakti.

अंश जीव का अंशी भगवान के सन्मुख होना ही हर दुख की एकमात्र औषधि है। ......श्री महाराजजी।

जगद्गुरु श्री कृपालुजी महाराज के अनुसार समस्त वेदों शास्त्रों का सार 'राधा' नाम ही है।