Wednesday, July 27, 2011


We are told that Radharani was found floating in a lotus. Her father, Vrsabhanu Raja, was childless. He was a gopa chief, the cowherd king, the chief cow-keeper. But he did not have any children. Then one day he found a beautiful girl in a lotus flower on the lake. He found Her and took Her home. The girl was very beautiful, perfect, but Her eyes did not open.
Vrsabhanu Raja had a friendship with Nanda Maharaja. Through Nanda Maharaja, Yasoda heard that her friend Kirtida, the wife of Vrsabhanu Raja, had found a girl of exquisite beauty in a lake somewhere, but She was blind. She went to visit her, to congratulate Kirtida. Going there, Yasoda took Krsna with her. The ladies were talking and Krsna went up to this beautiful girl. Suddenly She opened Her eyes and saw the boy Krsna first. The story is told like that: when She first opened Her eyes, Radharani saw Krsna.

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